Getting Started

System requirements

  • Apple Mac

  • Xcode minimum SDK: 9

Adding the SDK to your project

In order to use the SmartOffice SDK in your app you need to import the associated frameworks.

You should have been supplied the framework items specific to SmartOffice as follows:

  • mupdf_default_ui.xcframework

  • mupdfdk.xcframework

  • sodk_default_ui.xcframework

  • sodk.xcframework

Verify your integration

To ensure that the frameworks are correctly found check that the following import statements are valid:

import sodk
import sodk_default_ui
import mupdfdk
import mupdf_default_ui


If the linked frameworks cannot be found ensure to validate your workspace in Xcode with:

Build Settings -> Build Options -> Validate Workspace = YES

Then build the project and re-check the import statements.

Check the version

Once you have successfully integrated the libraries the build version details can be checked as follows:

let versionInfo:[String:String?] = SODKLib.version()

This returns the dictionaries of key/value pairs against your SmartOffice SDK supplied framework.

This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or implied. This software is distributed under license and may not be copied, modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms of that license. Refer to licensing information at or contact Artifex Software Inc., 39 Mesa Street, Suite 108A, San Francisco CA 94129, United States for further information.